Yesterday we did our Egg Painting in the morning and I set out these buckets of soapy (I use Tear Free Shampoo) water, mini toothbrushes, and the messy eggs after the kids were done.
Hoping they would find it and clean all the messy eggs. Well, they must have walked by those buckets a few
hundred times and didn't even give them a second glance. No one asked "Why" I put out water buckets... usually water is a magnet in our playroom. So, I just left them there on the table during lunch, during nap, and during snack. FINALLY one of the kids (School
Ager) asked, "Why are these eggs and water here?? Can I wash them??" I said, "Sure, go for it." Well, you would have thought I gave that child a lollipop and didn't offer one to the preschoolers :) The kids all swarmed on the table and we had Egg Washing go on for 30 minutes... then it turned into Rock Washing until parents came to pick up. Each child who left was replaced by another until all the children were gone and only my own children were left. The water was freezing by then, and I made the kids dump it and replace it if they wanted to continue... believe it or not, they didn't want new water. They dumped it and cleaned the buckets, dried them, and they were done.
We spent a lot of time in the playroom, again, today. Our Princess brought in some drum sticks she and her brother got from a Real Band. They were a huge hit. The kids banged away on pillows all morning. They brought in every pillow from the Family Room and set them up on the floor. Where they promptly plopped down in the middle (either back to back, or facing one another) and pretended to be Rock Star Drummers :) They shared the sticks, one to each child, and took turns with all their friends. I was very proud of them at the sharing, and the carefulness they showed to each other.
During this jam session, the other kids busied themselves at the Writing Table and the Science Center. I put out some more Easter Stamps on the Writing Table and I added some new things to the Science Center. I went to a Science Workshop our Local Smart Start put on last night and we made those Wave Bottles with oil, food coloring and water, and the kids loved shaking them up and rolling them back and forth :) I am glad I went, I also got to take home a Tin Can Phone, where you take 2 tin veggie cans, drill a hole in middle of the bottom, tie string from one to the other and talk away. They liked this, experimenting with it in a straight line, outside, and around the corner. They decided they couldn't hear each other very well when it was around the corner. Then again they were do loud, I don't know how the neighbors didn't hear them :)
We ended our morning outside, enjoying the Sun Shiny day. Another Great Day!!