Friday, March 11, 2011


Today my camera ran out of battery... oh well. We had a good time anyway. Though it was pretty funny when D-Man and Princess kept asking me why I wasn't taking their pictures. Hmmm...

We finished our investigation of the letters O & P today. The kids loved making their crafts and going on their letter hunts, but if I had to guess, their trips to the nature park, the "Rain Forest" as D-Man calls it, was their favorite!! Using the Internet to find out what insects live in the "Rain Forest" and then looking for them was great fun too, but the puddles were best. Just the feel of the rain on our faces made the regular experience of taking a walk a more fascinating and intriguing experience. Even the sounds we heard provided a spring board on discussing how water sounds going fast and slow. Someone once commented that the kids probably won't say that practicing their ABC's & 123's was the highlight of being at Shell's, but getting muddy, walking in the rain, and sliding down the muddy hill will be something they probably won't forget. I hope not, and I hope they find these experiences to be so strong that they pass on the passion for outdoor learning to their own children.

Little Man had a doctors appointment this morning, so while we were waiting for him to come back, we spent our time Freeze Dancing, playing the board game Trouble, and playing "Pass the Pig." Also, painting pigs with paper was a fun craft. The kids crumbled some paper, picked the color they wanted for their pig and painted away. Some dabbed the paint on, some used the paper like a paintbrush, but they had lots of fun either way.

Some changes are coming to daycare in the next week, and I can't wait. I am hoping to make an overhaul of our messy area, giving the sand/water table a more permanent and prominent spot in the playroom. The sand pit was such a hit, I want to expand their explorations. They spent so much time in that sand pit, even the older kids took a turn in there. I am glad we had it for the week.

I hope next week I will have some photos of our changes :)

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