What a fun day!! Our friends came over for another play day... we love play days!!! I had set up a lot of fun things for us to do today.
First, we had a pumpkin scooping center set up... the kids loved scooping out that pumpkin pulp. They discussed what was in there, the sliminess of it, what we could do with the seeds after we got them all out and what kind of face our jack-o-lantern would have.
(Happy Face won)

I was surprised that the little ones had so much fun. They can be very picky about the textures they touch, but I guess all our exploration of slimy, rough, smooth, sticky, bumpy, and icky things is beginning to pay off.

Ok, well not with everyone. Seriously though, the Princess loved it and got right in there and scooped a lot of the stringy, slimy pulp out. She can't wait to dry those seeds so we can try and grow pumpkins next year. Watch out Mom & Dad, she wants to take 100 seeds home to plant in YOUR yard :)

Everyone had a say in how our pumpkin would look. Miss Michelle had the task of making it happen. We had a fun time.

Sprout had fun with the pumpkins too, here she is telling me,
"Shell, Shell... pumpk, pumpk!!!"
Next, I got the great idea from Sherry & Donna over at
Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning, to do Foil Finger painting to go with our letter Ff week. What fun they had. They have orange and white paint from their heads to their little feet.

"Shell, Thomas train tracks"

Writing names, making shapes, and just getting down right slimy and messy!!
Right up our alley!!

"Look Shell, paint"

They used their whole bodies today. To bad we didn't think of this in the summer with bathing suits... that would be loads of fun, and nothing a little water won't get off.

The Princess really enjoyed this project... she had paint up her arm, under her shirt, and all over her hair. I hope the party she is going to after Child Care isn't a dressy one :)
See, I told you, a fun day today!!