We have started our "All About Me" week and had fun singing some silly songs like the Hokey Pokey (we learned about body parts), we read "Me Too" by Mercer Mayer, and began some art work using our hands. The kids had fun listening to the story and singing the song and it was a great first circle time, short, fun and lots of movement :)

Sometimes you HAVE to have a princess gown to perform the Hokey Pokey
It was a beautiful morning today, a slight breeze in the air and lots of shade in the yard. So out we went. The kids had the freedom to run, kick the balls, swing, and climb...

This silly girl played with, crawled after, and threw this ball for what seemed like forever.

I think all those millions of dollars spent on Baby Toys each year is a waste, give a baby a ball (or several) a laundry basket (with some clean socks), and a box and your set for the duration!!

This Scamp was everywhere today... she just wouldn't slow down!!

I showed the Toddlers how to hit/kick the ball today.
It was a HIT!!!

Did you ever notice snack ALWAYS taste better outside??
Especially when it's not to hot.
We started an art project today where the kids dipped their hands into the paint, squished them together and then made hand prints on their papers. We will add a photo and laminate each one to make a little place mat, that will preserve their little hand prints as they grow.

Little Man had A LOT of fun!!!

The girls were going so fast I couldn't get a photo of their faces. I wish I could because the smiles were huge!!

I love the way Sprout always has that little tongue out while she's hard at work. Hand print Art is pretty hard work you know.
She told me, "It happenen to be lots of crazy hands."
I couldn't have said it any better myself :)