Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting Back in the Groove

After our Spring Break Miss Michelle came back to Child Care without much planned for the week. I have next weeks Flower/Planting Theme all set, but this week I didn't have to much planned... all that traveling, sometimes I feel like I need a vacation from the vacation :)

So, we decided to fit in all those things we have been wanting to get to and haven't. We have been taking the inside classroom outside (like our friends at Toddler Tale Daze), taking time to catch up on letters and numbers we may need a little extra help on, and just having fun playing and being together... I must say, our week has pulled together quite nicely.

Little Miss M practicing her building skills. We used lots of words (she is in the repeating EVERYTHING stage) to describe what we were doing. Colors, shapes, textures, positional words, and as always, just being silly.

My Princess Girl built this amazing structure during an impromptu competition with "those boys" as she likes to call 2 of the boys she plays with. Those Boys were very excited and happy for Princess Girl when they inspected her building.
We acquired these awesome unit blocks from my Mother-in-Law!! I love them and the kids really are enjoying the versatility of the different sizes and the weight of them. I'm excited because they didn't cost me $200 for a set of 20. Yeah Grandma!!!

Next, we moved it outside for another Egg Hunt!! Before we got started we met at the rug, I read the Alphabet Book, K is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo and then we predicted what might be in the eggs. Of course we got the standard answers... Candy, Toys, Lollipops, Jellybeans... but we also got... Tiny Books, K's (we are learning about the letter Kk this week) and Bumble Bee's. I wrote their answers down and out we went for our hunt.

Looking for more eggs... what fun egg hunts are. I think that Easter Eggs should make an appearance at different times during the year, not just Easter/Spring Time.
No one opened their eggs until we all met back at Circle Time. Then they opened their eggs and were excited (some were a little disappointed) to find letters tucked in there. Everyone was calling out letters, seeing what each other had.
Then I went through the Alphabet and we matched the letters. I would ask what a letter was, and who ever had that letter brought it up, see if it matched, and then put it in a line with all the other letters. Even Little Miss M enjoyed checking out her letters. She also enjoyed lining the letter squares up, making sure they were just right... very cute. All the kids did really great with this, and had fun too. If they weren't sure about what letter they had, they would bring it up and check to see if it matched the letter we were looking for. The older kids who knew their letter, were anxiously waiting to jump up when their letter was called. It was a great multi-level game.

When we were done, I left out the letters and the book. Em had fun matching the letters up. I also found Ry trying his hand at it during nap time. It was a great quiet time activity for those who don't always sleep.
We also have been wanting to try an Art Project that I saw on Toddler Tale Daze a while back. Linda is so creative and seems to have a lot of fun with her little crew!! When I saw her Wax Paper Painting Creations... I knew the kids would love it. So, Here Goes....

I love the outfit here... especially the shoes!!!

The kids put blobs of paint on the wax paper, then folded it over and smushed it around. (gotta love my technical instructions, right!!)

Smushing Away!!
This was a great activity for some of my friends who don't always like the feel of paint on their hands. The sensory experience was fun, but hands stayed clean. (Most of the time)

We started off with droppers for the paint, which were great for fine motor. They liked experimenting to see how the drops of paint would land from different heights. The higher up, we learned, leads to a bigger SPLAT!!! We had to move to using spoons though because the droppers just didn't get enough paint on the paper for some of my friends. They choose to try the droppers, but the spoons were, by far, a bigger hit.

Here Little Miss M is trying to figure this whole dropper thing out. She found it extremely interesting that if she squeezed, something came out. But the dropper was pretty small, so not much came out, and it didn't come out fast enough for her.

Trying her hand at smushing her paint around. It took a little getting used to, she kept picking her hand up to look for the paint. It was confusing that there was no paint on her hand. It was cold to the touch, it was squishy, and it even seemed wet to some of them... so when they took up their hand and saw no paint... they would look to me with surprise. Now, why I couldn't get that on camera is beyond me!!!!

Some of our finished products!! The kids were excited that some looked like butterflies, some like clouds, some like candy (Candy on the brain) and others just liked how their colors mixed together.
I liked this activity too. A lot of discussion was had between the kids and between the kids and I. They reviewed colors, textures, hot/cold, language skills, problem solving (how to get paint to empty spots) and science. Yet, the kids just thought they were having fun and playing in with the paint. The best kind of learning.

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