The school year is ending, the lasts are beginning. How sad it is. Today is my Little Miss M's last day. We had our Graduation/Spring Program last night, tears were shed, DVD's watched, and the kids did a wonderful job singing and performing. I try to make sure not to have a last day fall on the day of our program, I don't want a rushed goodbye.
So today I got about a bazillion hugs and kisses from Little Miss M. I told her the story of her first day and week here. It is a story I love to tell because her Daddy, who loves her so much and got to spend a lot of those first months with her, brought her to daycare to her get acclimated, for a week. :) Ok, it wasn't a whole week, but it was a few days. We were glad to have him, and see the bond he shares with Little Miss M. I know leaving your baby with someone else has got to be hard, the separation different for everyone.
I then got to get my hands on her. She has always been a spunky little girl, from day one. She would laugh, smile and soak everything in. She loved the kids, she loved people, and she loved coming everyday. I don't think I remember her ever having a day of separation anxiety. Kozy Kids was a second home for her, an extension of her own. I love that I can provide that.
I got to see her first steps, hear her first words.... those are memories I will always cherish.

Little Miss M has grown into such a character. She is smart, lovable, and super silly. She loves cracking jokes, telling silly stories and driving my own boys crazy. She comes in each day and gets right to work, playing with her friends, always stopping for a hug or kiss in between. She loved circle time, singing, and writing. She loved to pretend to be like the big kids and would practice until she got something "right" so she could show all those preschoolers they weren't the only ones who could write their names.
There are so many things I will remember about my time with Little Miss M. Most of all I will remember the love. The love I feel in the hugs, the looks, the smiles.
Little Miss M will go on to a new school next year, one in which I know she will do great at. She has everything she needs to succeed. A great first 3 years, and an absolutely wonderful family that loves her!! I will miss you Little Miss M... more than I could ever put down in words.