Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sun Catchers

With the beautiful summer weather really starting to take shape we thought it was time for our annual sun catcher project.  
Out came the glue, tissue paper and clear plastic plates and off we went!!!
I'm telling you, that tongue is the absolute cutest!!
She has it out whenever she is concentrating!!

"Look Shell, Look Shell"
I am guessing there is glue on that little hand!!

Lil Bit went through A LOT of tissue paper.  She would pat it on the glue, then it would stick on her fingers, over and over again.  She would then take it off and try again, over and over again.  You wonder why she is always the last one at the table ;)

"Oh I got this... I don't even need to sit down for this project"

We were very proud of our finished products!!


  1. Michelle....I miss your posts & the pictures of the kids & all the fun things you all did together. I'm so sad I won't be seeing them everyday & laughing at them at play & admiring the great crafty things they got to do. :( Thank you for letting me share in Lil Bits days these past months--it was wonderful for a Grammy that lives so far away!

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