Saturday, June 27, 2009

What Have We Been Doing??

The week is finally over and what did we do?? I tip-toed my way through organizing the playroom and getting things ready for the summer kids... I didn't do a good job of it. My mind has been mush lately. I have been lurking on some blogs... that if you get a chance you should take a look at Teaching 2 & 3 yr olds and Annie's Alphabet Home Childcare. They are great sites. They have both given me some really great ideas and I want to implement them so badly!! I just haven't been able to wrap myself around it yet.
Tomorrow I am going to finish the window treatments, get that darn bulletin board up (I went to the Teacher Store and purchased the borders: yeah!!) and get the supplies out on the shelves and on the tables for the week. I spend a lot of time with the kids each day, but this summer we haven't incorporated the music, dance, craft or gardening aspect of my summer programs. So I have decided that I must change it this week... I think tomorrow I will come up with a theme for the week... Well that was easy since 4th of July is next Saturday... and I will complete that theme for the week. Not sure what yet, but I will let you tomorrow!!
I feel better... even when no one reads my blog I think that just getting it down on "paper" making it real helps me to focus and get going... I am getting excited. I think we will make the firecracker craft I found on some one's blog... just have to go look for it and get the instructions. We will have a picnic on Friday. I think the kids will love to do some cooking this week... hopefully the weather isn't to hot and we can spend some time outdoors, maybe go on a nature hike at the local park... see the idea's are flowing now. Good... now on to those curtains.

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