Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Park Day

I can't believe it is already Thursday!!

We went to the Park today!! What fun!! There was snacks and lemonade to be had, running, swinging, climbing and jumping to be done, and a nature walk to end our morning with. Of course, where was my camera?? At home, with an empty battery. So, when the kids all began rolling down the little hill, off to the side of the playground... I couldn't capture it. When they all were huddled up to discuss and inspect a caterpillar... yup, I didn't get that one either!!! I didn't get the kids on the swings, going "As High As the Sky!!" or when our special friend Syd showed up to the Park with her Mom to play with us!! Oh, well... maybe next time :)

I love to capture children playing. I get frustrated with myself when I miss out on an opportunity to get some great shots of the kids. I love to post and look myself... but, I really want Mom's and Dad's to get to see what fun their children are having all day. I can describe what we do all day, but there has to be something said about SEEING your child in action throughout his/her day. But, then again... I didn't get my youngest on his first day of Tball either... so I can't be to hard on myself!!

Tomorrow is another day... Which happens to be Friday... My favorite day of the week :)


  1. We went to the park too ! I would love to bump into you one day there! :)

  2. Thanks for posting this Michelle. We haven't been to the park in ages and the weather has been spectacular. You've inspired me to head up there next week!
