Miss Beth came to visit with her new Little Guy... I think our Little Man may have a new built in friend to play with!!
Big Kids playing together after a long absence... It's fun to have Miss Beth and her gang come and play!!!
We have been getting used to having new kids at daycare this week. Our routine will have to be tweaked, some friends will have to learn patience, and we will have to get used to having an even more flexible schedule. So, this week we have just been free choice playing, learning where things belong, and playing with new and old friends. The first couple of weeks of a new year is always the hardest, but if you put the time and effort into it, you will reap the rewards later on!!
I don't ever really think about starting a new year. We're just always here! However, I guess this year we will sort of be starting a new year as well. We've definitely been in summer mode this year, so I'm playing on getting back to our regular routines starting next week. Guess that counts!